Fiona Dobbrick
CEO & Co-Founder
Fiona really isn’t a fan of the word ‘anti-aging’.
She believes in owning age with style and working on yourself
from the inside out. With three spirited daughters and a busy work life,
she knows how hard it is to juggle everything and still prioritise self-care.
That’s why she’s been so driven to bring you easy ways to get all the benefits of collagen. After all, when you feel healthier, you look healthier too. Share the glow.

Doug Scott-Davidson
Food Safety and Quality
Doug has been around the traps and knows a thing or two.
He’s worked at several global food manufacturing businesses.
He ensures our practices, and our products, are nothing short of top notch.
Our organic certifications mean our production processes need to meet strict guidelines and Doug is all over every detail.
We pride ourselves on our handcrafted, premium quality and Doug is the man to make sure it is all up to scratch.

Victor Arias
Production Manager
Víctor is a dedicated productivity and quality engineer, passionate about developing efficient and effective production processes. Known for the strategic improvement of production and operational processes, Victor has successfully led cross-functional teams to achieve impactful results for clients across diverse industries.

Alexandra Byrnes
Marketing Manager
Alex is a go-getter with a knack for bringing big ideas to life. With an extensive background in events and marketing, she knows how to create a buzz and connect with others. Alex is here to help us spread the #justbetter movement far and wide, inspiring more people to take their first steps toward feeling great and living well.

Zara Kehl
Marketing Assistant and Customer Support
There are no two ways about it, Zara is a ray of sunshine.
She’s a great listener and a great doer. Which is lucky because there’s always plenty to do around here. Zara wants to help more people feel better and live better. She’s here to answer all your questions about our products and our sustainable, organic production process.